Electronic Components Reference Designs
Start with a solid foundation for your application design
A reference design refers to a technical blueprint of a system that is intended for others to copy. Reference designs are typically used for an integrated circuit or electronic device that requires other passive components or circuitry to be used in conjunction with their product. In short, the reference design encompasses the main elements of the system to make their product function properly. This gives potential users of their product a working model to start from. However, electrical designers may enhance or modify the design as required for their application. When discussing finished products, like computers, the concept is generally known as a reference platform.
ECS Inc.’s goal is to support companies in the development of their next generation products. That’s why ECS Inc. compiled this library of reference designs from some of the world’s most cutting-edge manufacturers. By providing you with a complete, pre-tested circuit, these reference designs have the potential to save your team substantial time and effort, and help minimize design risks. You can choose to copy the entire circuit, or simply use it as a starting point for your application.
Click on each of the logos below to access manufacturer-specific reference designs with ECS Inc. passive electronic components.

Analog Devices




Lattice Semiconductor



Nordic Semiconductor

NXP Freescale

ON Semiconductor



Silicon Labs


Texas Instruments
We’re Here To Help
Please contact us if you need additional information or have a specific requirement in your application.
Reference Designs was last modified: February 7th, 2024 by