ECS-.327-6-16R-TR was last modified: March 19th, 2024 by Jessica Moore

Product Details

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Technical Documentation

Datasheet Datasheet
RoHS C of C ECX-16R RoHS C of C
Reach C of C ECX-16R Reach C of C
Conflict Materials Reporting Template ECX-16R Conflict Materials Reporting Template
Solder Profile ECX-16R Solder Profile
Tape Specifications ECX-16R Tape Specifications
Reliability Test Procedures ECX-16R Reliability Test Procedures
Material Declaration ECX-16R Material Declaration

Ordering & Quality

Support DocsTypePackage
Package SizeFrequencyToleranceOperating
ECX-16RECX-16R Datasheet
kHz Crystal16R1.60mm x 1.00mm32.768 kHz±20ppm-40°C ~ 85°C

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